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By: H. Bram, M.S., Ph.D.

Co-Director, University of Texas at Tyler

A- pectoralis major B- pectorals minor Answer: B Lymph nodes is divided into 3 Surgical or 6 structural levels according to its relation pectoralis minor muscle: Surgical: 1- lower edge of pectoralis minor 2-under/posterior to P hypertension of the lungs order 100 mg trandate with visa. Structural: 1- anterior (pectoral) group 2- posterior (subcapsular) group 3-lateral group 4- central group 5- infra-clavicular (delto-pectoral) group 6-apical group blood pressure spike symptoms cheap trandate 100mg without prescription. A- Infra orbital B- Maxillary Answer: maxillary N (v2) branches: Zygomaticotemporal: anterior temple above zygomatic arch Zygomaticofacial: area over zygomatic bone Infraorbital: lower eyelid, cheek, side of the nose, and upper lip. Superficial arch supplies flexors and its main artery is Ulnar, radial is minimal. Answer: aqueduct of sylvius the third ventricle also communicates with the fourth ventricle through the narrow cerebral (syl- vian or mesencephalic) aqueduct. The lateral ventricles communicate with the third ventricle through interventricular foramens, and the third ventricle communicates with the fourth ventricle through the cerebral aqueduct. But if they just asked about the base of the canal the answer will be >> the Canal Boundaries:The anterior wall is formed by the aponeurosis of the external oblique, and reinforced by the internal oblique muscle laterally. The roof is formed by the transversalis fascia, internal oblique and transversus abdominis. Pulled elbow is subluxation of the radial head into the annular ligament, encountered in young children (typically between 6 m 3 yrs), as a result of pulling on the arm longitudinally as in pulling a child away from something the parents would rather they not touch, or lifting the child in play. Children with a pulled elbow will hold the elbow flexed and the forearm in the prone posi- tion, unwilling to supinate it. Roof: is formed chiefly by the inferior surface of the tapetum of the corpus callosum, but the tail of the caudate nucleus and the stria terminalis also extend forward in the roof of the temporal horn to its extremity; the tail of the caudate nucleus joins the putamen. Floor: the hippocampus, the fimbria hippocampi, the collateral eminence, and the choroid plexus. If the Q means >> Mid inguinal point: is halfway between the pubic symphysis and the anterior superior iliac spine. The external iliac A becomes the femoral A as the vessel passes under the inguinal ligament to enter the femoral triangle. There may be a tender fullness if the tendon, If the digitorum profundus tendon is damaged, the joint will not move. It is more common in soldiers, but also occurs in hikers, organists, and even those, like hospital doctors, whose duties entail much standing. March fractures most commonly occur in the sec- ond and third metatarsal bones of the foot. Sensory supply: palmar aspect of the thumb, index, middle and radial half of the ring fingers. A- Ant cruciate ligament B- Post cruciate Answer: A Reference: Master the board step2 (surgery chapter) 162-Q Read about: -Big artery and branch what supply Reference: Guyton and Hall textbook of physiology, 12th ed, p394 6- Which system or organ will work in stress A- Parietal cells B- Chief cells C- Global cells Answer: the question must be incorrect, it could be "which cell in the stomach is responsible for production of intrinsic factor that is responsible for vitamin B12 absorption Reference: Guyton and Hall textbook of physiology, 12th ed, p417 8- A boy is fighting with two boys, which system is activated Usually, reflex vasoconstriction prevents a drop in pres- sure but if this is absent or the patient is fluid depleted or on vasodilating or diuretic drugs, hy- potension occurs. Reference: Guyton and Hall textbook of physiology, 12th ed, p220 13- Which of the following increases the absorption of iron Folic acid B- Vitamin C Answer: B, It helps the body absorb iron from nonheme sources. A) Haemophilus Influenzae B) Streptococcus pneumoniae C) Klebsiella or other gram negative bacteria D) Pseudomonas aeruginosa Answer:D Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Aerobic gram-negative rod. Cryptococcus neoformans Answer: C the is bubble soape appearance so the answer is c Cryptococcus neoformans: Cryptococcal meningitis, cryptococcosis. Latex agglutination test detects polysaccharide capsular antigen and is more specific.

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As illustrative of this may be mentioned deformities of bones arteria plantaris medialis generic 100 mg trandate with mastercard, cicatricial strictures of canals blood pressure jumps around discount trandate on line, economy conditions preventing the organs or where there is evi- kinks of the intestines, pericardial, result- pleural or other adhesions by bands of connective tissue ing from the previous disease, opacity of the normally transparent media of the left after eye, palsies of muscles and nerves, or the defects in ulceration or burns. Termination of; disease A^e-q death (exitus lethal is or Ictalis, from letum, death from forgetfulness, avddvco to make forget- ful) occurs when the organs which subserve the most important and necessary processes of vitality suspend their function. Inasmuch as continuance of life depends in an important measure upon the uninterrupted supply of blood containing oxygen to the medulla oblongata through the action of the heart, underlying which must be recognized the necessity for respiratory movements regulating the efficiency of the pulmonary surface in the intake of 102 Termination of Disease. These parts are therefore spoken of as the tion of their functions Inhibi- may be a direct result of chemical, me(as chanical or electrical influences or paralyze the nerve or cells, from poisons which destroy concussion, the action of lightening), a wide variety of factors interfering with tissue nutrition, metabolism and gaseous interchange (anaemia, albuminous waste, closure of respiratory passages, elevation indirectly may follow or depression of body-temperature, reflex palsies). The more important modes, therefore, by which this or that disease induce death, are i. Asphyxiation, from interference with intrapulmonary respiratory interchange of gases, obstruction of the lungs or upper respiratory passages, compression of these tubes, spasm or palsy of the respiratory muscles, diaphragmatic rupture (exitus lethalis per suit o cat ion em). Exhaustion, from inanition or consumption (diminished and exaggerated metabolism, accumulation of fatigue products and poisonous metabolites, auto-intoxication). These modes of death may, of course, complicate each other and may be mutually causative of each other (as when haemorrhage induces ischaemia of the heart and coronary vessels, with the result of cardiac cessation and at the same time the symptoms of suffocation, due to an anaemia of the medulla). Senile debility, more or less complicated by various diseases, is also to be regarded as a cause of death (senile marasmus, from fxapaiveiv, to nutrition Termination in Death. In the individual cell, as organism of higher animals, changes are continually proceeding which lead to the destruction of the living substance and sooner or later result in the death of well the tissues of the the individual. The living multinucleated organism is is continually losing cells by their death, the substance of which eliminated from the economy with the excretory material or is broken up and re-employed by the system. From causes inherent in the organism itself, but at present impossible of clear definition (vid. Physiologie) the power of multiplication ceases in the individual groups of cells and organs in varying rates in the different species of animals, and with varying swiftness the characteristics of old age and of death become; apparent. Transition from death its may occur suddenly (mors subi- tanea); the animal falls from standing position to the ground, becomes unconscious, and for a few moments at most is thrown into convulsions with groaning respirations. Such sudden termilightening stroke, sun stroke, nation may be noted in death from rupture of the heart, cerebral concussion, massive internal haemor- rhages or cardiac and cerebral paralysis. They include the signs of a progressive paralysis of the nervous and muscular systems, together with those of the disease which causes death. Animals in the agonal state are unable to raise themselves from the ground, usually lie flat on one side, from time to time lifting the head and letting it fall heavily to the ground, with the feet rigidly extended and moved convulsively, at first violently, but Respiration is slowed and gradually more and more weakly. Extinction of life means complete cessation of metabolism, of cellular growth and the existence of the individual and death therefore manifests itself by complete grows small and finally indistinguishable,; termination of the functions of breath, naturally in the all parts of the body. The last form of expiration, and the moment of complete cessation of the heart may ordinarily be looked upon as marking the actual end of life. However, the organs do not all perish at precisely the same moment; after the last breath the heart may flutter a few minutes and after death from haemorrhage, peristaltic movements of the intestines may sometimes be observed for perhaps fifteen minutes and similarly after death from electricity muscular contractions may be elicited as long as rigor;; mortis does not set in (one to three hours after death). The muscles in this change become set, shortened and thickened, as in vital contractions the extremities are rigid and either cannot be flexed or only with the application of considerable force, and the mouth cannot be opened by ordinary traction upon the lower later,; jaw. After twenty-four hours, or perhaps later, the rigidity disappears [due to decomposition]. Cadaveric fall of temperature (algor mortis) develops in from half an hour to twenty-four hours after death, varying with In some affections, as the surrounding temperature and the degree of metabolic activity prevailing at the time of the death agony. The eye in death:; the eyelids of the cadaver are usually is half open (rigidly) the ocular bulb sunken and somewhat its less tense than in life (evaporation of some of; fluids); the cornea and opaque the pupils are dilated. The gases, produced in large quantities from the fermentative processes, dilate the stomach and intestines, causing abdominal distension, sometimes to such a degree as to force the lower bowel out of the anus, rupture the diaphragm and allow the intruding intestines to distend the chest. The advance of putrefaction may be noted in the colorless parts of the skin by greenish discolorations (sulphur compounds of haemoglobin), and also by the foul odors of cadaveric decomposition. These changes cause the disappearance of the rigidity of the body and progress the more rapidly the warmer the surrounding temperature. Measures which inhibit the growth of the latter putrefactive bacteria, preservation in alcohol or formaline (injection of the vessels with antiseptic or balsamic substances), refrigeration, drying, prevent putrefaction. The name apparent death the vital is applied to a condition in which all functions are depressed to the lowest possible degree, when only by great care in the examination of the seemingly dead body can there be detected feeble cardiac contractions and occasional faint respiratory movements, a condition accompanied by loss of consciousness and sensibility, and by reduction of the body temperature. In recently born animals this condition is seen comparatively frequently, lasting perhaps fin- hours (asphyxia neonato a torum); in this connection it is perhaps due premature separa- tion of the placenta, aspiration of the amniotic fluid, compression of the umbilical cord, or to anaemia. Disturbances of the circulation, as well as faults of the blood and lymph, in other words, deficiency in the provision and passage of good blood through the organs, endanger both and health.

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When this disorder is not recognized and treated blood pressure medication most common proven 100mg trandate, the anorexic eventually starves to death arrhythmia in children discount trandate 100 mg otc. As with bulimics, treatment of the anorexic includes monitored eating, evaluation by trained personnel, individual and family therapy. The Psychological Consequences of Eating Disorders From a psychological perspective it can sometimes be difficult to decipher what problems have arisen as a result of the eating disorder versus what psychological conditions might have been precursors to the development of anorexia or bulimia. This is particularly true with the most prevalent psychological state, depression. With severe nutritional imbalances and starvation, depression is a general consequence. Therefore, these issues may need to be addressed prior to determining if there was an undiagnosed depression that contributed to the eating disorder. Brain function may be affected, as exhibited by the lack of ability to concentrate. Obsessive and compulsive behavior traits may be exhibited for the first time, or there may be a worsening of obsessive/compulsive disorders. After synchronized swimming practice Talia asked Marty, the athletic trainer, about losing some weight. Talia said she had already spoken with the coach about it and that she thought it might improve her performance. Marty asked Talia to keep a written diary of everything she ate, which she did on a daily basis for a week. He also scheduled her for a body composition assessment to determine if she really needed to lose any body fat. A week later, after reviewing the results of the body composition analysis with Talia, Marty told her that although she was at a competitive level of fitness, her body composition analysis indicated that her body fat was down a little. On reviewing her diary with her, Marty noted that her activities included swimming for 2 hours per day. After asking her about it, Talia confessed to omitting the snacks from the diary because she would later stick her finger down her throat, causing her to vomit up the food. An excess or a deficiency of essential food nutrients can be harmful to health and may impair fitness and/or athletic performance. The key to proper nutrition and weight management is to follow good nutrition guidelines by eating a variety of foods chosen with knowledge from the Food Pyramid Guide. Eating in moderation and eating a balanced diet help to control caloric intake and body fat composition. At times, athletes and others who engage in vigorous physical activity will need to maintain optimum health by eating more carbohydrates, observing lean body weight guidelines, and drinking generous amounts of water during strenuous activities. Because eating disorders frequently involve a distorted body image and physical deterioration, it is important that athletic trainers and other sports medicine professionals become familiar with the signs and symptoms of these disorders. Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia can cause serious physical effects such as electrolyte imbalances and heart arrhythmias. In the long run, if undetected and untreated, people suffering from this type of disorder can experience serious depression, permanent physical damage, or even death. Name the two basic principles to follow when choosing foods that supply a healthy diet. Generally, saturated fat is at room temperature and is derived mainly from sources. Usually, unsaturated fat is at room temperature and comes mainly from sources. Examples of foods containing unsaturated fat include, and. List the three complete protein foods that contain all the essential amino acids needed by the body. Vitamins are metabolic regulators that govern the processes of, and in the body. Name and give examples of the foods in the different food groups that make up the latest Food Guide Pyramid.

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