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By: C. Murak, M.A., M.D.

Professor, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

It is therefore not surprising that fewer women than men progress to upper-level and management positions medicine app buy keppra amex, even if family duties are shared or household help is possible-circumstances that are not typical medicine vs dentistry order keppra 500mg free shipping. Health workers who are expected to have respectful, bias-free, and empowering interactions with patients require a working environment that nurtures these same values and is supportive of them. A good deal of effort has focused on in-service training of health professionals on gender equity issues, often at a local level. However, there have been few assessments of the impact that these have had in changing attitudes and practices. Recognize the contribution and reduce the burden of unpaid and invisible health work. Unpaid health work is the informal care provided by a member of the same household or community, or a friend, without financial compensation, to a person who is unwell or disabled. It also includes voluntary work carried out by members of a community for health promotion or prevention. Unpaid health work includes personal care such as bathing, feeding, or providing company; medical care such as bandaging, dispensing drugs, or monitoring temperature; and domestic services such as cooking, cleaning, or shopping. In addition to being left out of the data, women are not well represented within the field of informatics. A gender perspective should be adopted in all processes of policy formulation and implementation and in the delivery of services, especially in sexual and reproductive health, including family planning. This includes the development and availability of sex-disaggregated data and appropriate indicators for monitoring progress at the national level. Standardized, gender-sensitive health indicators exist in some areas, such as gender-based violence, but are lacking in others (Bloom and Arnoff 2012). When sex-disaggregated data are available, the analysis should link any differences in sex with the overarching program logic model or theory of change to demonstrate any effects of gender-related factors on the performance of health programs and health outcomes. If more women than men participate in training events, does it affect service delivery or health outcomes? Box 6 (next page) presents some of the objections that are frequently put forward to deter the gathering of gender-related statistics. Frequently Used Arguments against Producing Gender-Related Statistics "We already have gender statistics-all our data are sex-disaggregated. For full gender sensitivity, the data collection system also needs to produce statistics that relate to all the key gender issues in the community or region, and to cover issues (such as maternal mortality or prostate disorders) that might affect only one sex. Gender statistics are needed to illustrate both how women and men differ and how they are similar. It is only on the basis of this information that programs and organizations can make sensible policy and be sure that policies regarding gender equality are succeeding. The task is to produce or access data that accurately reflect the situation among the population served by your health program or health services. It is then up to the policymakers and citizens more generally to decide whether the differences depicted between male and female are "normal" or desirable. In some cases, it simply involves the addition of an extra question or column specifying sex. At analysis time, the main cost would be the time involved in running extra tabulations but, in many cases, sex can simply be added to existing tabulations. Significant cost is generally incurred only when a completely new investigation specifically to assess gender equity (such as a survey) is carried out. The disaggregation by sex also often provides the basis for a more thorough checking of the accuracy of data collection and recording, as it allows for additional logical checks. Source: Developing Gender Statistics: A Practical Tool, by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and World Bank Institute, 2010. Additionally, gender statistics can be used to identify inequalities resulting from existing laws or policies, and for the development of policies that are not explicitly related to gender but that may have a different impact on men and women. Additionally, including gender-sensitive indicators in program monitoring plans will help the implementation team track to what extent the program affects gender disparities, particularly in gender-sensitive programs. When it comes to access to medicines, it makes a big difference whether you are a man or a woman. Successful policy and strategy implementation promoting access to affordable and reliable medicines requires that we take gender considerations into account. Studies carried out in developing countries reveal that gender-related barriers to access (both to health services and medicines) are greater for women than men, as women often do not have any control over family income and may not be able to purchase medicines without asking their husbands. Geographical constraints, such as long distances and transportation costs to reach health care services (where medicines are dispensed), also put them at a disadvantage (Baghdadi 2005).


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Involvement in occultism is forgivable but it can open the door to the curse of many biological and especially psychological and psychiatric disorders medications zocor safe 500 mg keppra. When we follow other ways of thinking medicine for depression generic keppra 250mg online, other gods and other spiritual leaders that were not ordained by God, we open up our spirits, minds and ultimately our bodies to the devil who comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10 v 10). Diseases that stem from occultism are a result of separation from God and His Word. When the spirit of God departs, all that man has left is his own tormented mind or a spirit of insanity from the devil. Insanity came to Saul in 1 Samuel chapter 28 when he consulted a woman with a familiar spirit (a spiritualist, wizard). According to the Bible involvement in witchcraft and sorcery of any form carries a death penalty. In the Bible there are several stories where people became ill with an incurable disease and died premature deaths because they consulted a spiritualist, wizard or some type of occultic practitioner to try to be healed of their disease, when they should have first sought God and His Word. In 2 Kings 1 v 2 ­ 4, a king called Ahaziah died from his illness because he dabbled in sorcery: "2[King] Ahaziah fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber in Samaria and lay sick. He sent messengers saying, Go, ask Baal-zebub, the god of [Philistine] Ekron, if I shall recover from this illness. There is no doubt that he thought that this spiritualist or wizard would speak the truth to him, but such people are not only deceived themselves, they also speak deception to others and present it as truth. We need to get to know the Word through studying it so that we can live by "the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth". Perfect peace belongs to those whose minds are fixed on the Lord (Isaiah 26 v 3), and the Lord is the Word of God. Many occultic modalities that are out there may offer various forms of spirituality but are often missing the Word of God as a foundation. When Scripture is used, it is used out of context or to manipulate or create future promises of blessing without any regard to holiness and sanctification. If you have been involved in witchcraft or occultism of any form, you need to come to a place of repentance. Breakdown in Relationship with Self You can be separated from yourself through self-hatred, self-rejection, self-condemnation, self-accusation, self disapproval, guilt, a poor self-image and a low self-esteem. Insecurity, self-rejection, a low self-esteem, a poor self-image and self-hatred are in epidemic proportions in society in America and world wide. There are many people who even wish they were dead, and will say so if you talk to them long enough. I am here to tell you that the awesome, indescribable, almighty, holy God Who is the Greatest of all says He loves you! God loves you, He said it and He proved it when He sent His only Son to die for you. Therefore when you disagree by not accepting yourself, and you hate yourself, you have called the God who created you and loved you from the foundation of the world a liar. If you have a poor self-image and you do not love yourself, you are in direct opposition to God and you open yourself up to the devil to agree with you. Self-hatred Self-hatred and and a low self-esteem is a sin and it is a major disease maker. I have explained that a low self-esteem whatever goes on in your thought life your brain converts into a physical reaction. Your immune system is the army of cells in your body that were created to protect you from harmful things like viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungus, toxins and cancer cells. However, when you attack yourself spiritually through thoughts of self-hatred, self-rejection and self bitterness, the immune system is redirected to attack your own body tissues, while ignoring the true enemy which is viruses, bacteria, cancer cells etc (this is explained in more detail on page 329). When you are attacking yourself spiritually in your thoughts, the biogenetic character of the cells of the immune system is changed so that they take on an assignment of the devil and go on a highly calculated mission of destruction. Thus the immune system, which was originally designed by God for your good (protection against infections, cancer etc), begins to cause disease in your body. An example of this is type 1 diabetes mellitus where the immune system attacks and destroys the pancreas so that it can no longer produce insulin. Another example is hypothyroidism where the thyroid is attacked and destroyed by the immune system and thus cannot produce enough thyroid hormones. God says that if you hate your brother in your heart, you are guilty of murder (1 John 3 v 15). Likewise, if you have a low self-esteem and hate yourself in your heart, you are murdering yourself in your thoughts.

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For example treatment 3rd degree burns discount 500 mg keppra overnight delivery, grasshoppers are collected early in the morning when it is too cold for them to fly medications used to treat bipolar disorder buy keppra 500mg with amex. Insects are considered delicacies in many parts of the world, particularly in the tropics. For example, the 1992 Malawi Cookbook features many insect-based recipes under the heading "traditional delicacies". It states that a number of insect species are highly sought-after, including barbecued palm weevil larvae and roasted termites. Why then have insect species ­ with the exception of honeybees, cochineal and silkworms ­ never been domesticated? The domestication of animals and plants took place thousands of years ago, with different forms springing up independently in different parts of the world at different times. The Fertile Crescent, China, India, Mesoamerica (central and southern Mexico and adjacent areas), the Andes of South America and the eastern United States all boasted food production from a very early time (Diamond, 2005). A notable case is that of Mesoamerica, where the Aztecs managed to develop a complex society with a high population density without large domesticable animals. One of their prime sources of protein is believed to have been insects and insect eggs, the latter semi-cultivated in marshes and ponds in the Mexican Mesa Central (Parsons, 2010) (see Chapter 4). Activities surrounding the management of a variety of non-domesticated resources can be witnessed today in tropical forests (Perez, 1995). Recently domesticated tropical plant and animal species include macademia nuts (Macademia integrifolia), star fruit (Averrhoa carambola), paca (Agouti paca) and iguanas (Iguana iguana) (Vantomme, Gazza and Lescuyer, 2010). Other instances of the semi-cultivation of edible insects exist (Van Itterbeeck and van Huis, 2012), a well-known example being that of the palm weevil, Rhynchophorus palmarum, in Latin America (Choo, Zent and Simpson, 2009). Taming and managing species are stepping stones to domestication (Barker, 2009), yet semi-cultivated and other edible insects ­ with the exception of honeybees, cochineal and silkworms ­ were never domesticated. While a simple explanation is not possible here, some important factors can be described. There are 148 species of large terrestrial mammalian herbivores and omnivores weighing at least 45 kg. The fact that a mere 14 of these have been domesticated is due neither to human ignorance nor human incapacity but is a direct result of the intrinsic 38 Edible insects: future prospects for food and feed security biological features of the animals. Diamond (2005) identified six characteristics that a species must have to allow for domestication: adequate diet (herbivores are easiest and most efficient to keep as a source of food); high growth rate (it is cheaper and more worthwhile to invest in fast-growing animals); capacity to breed in captivity (some animals simply refuse to do so); a domesticable disposition. As with mammals, not all edible insect species render themselves to domestication. However, because insects are not mammals, the above-mentioned characteristics cannot be assumed to be foolproof in assessing the potential domestication of insect species. Gon and Price (1984) compiled a list of favourable characteristics that can be used to select candidates for insect domestication (these are discussed further in Chapter 7). The historical contexts in which plant and animal domestication have taken place should also be taken into account. The domestication of large animals (and plants) gave Europeans a considerable advantage over other regions, as evidenced by their worldwide conquests (Diamond, 2005). These conquests enabled Europeans to exert a major influence on food production, with habits, knowledge, techniques and organisms exported worldwide. Perhaps the aforementioned negative attitudes to eating insects formed part of this package, as in more recent times (Box 3. It is conceivable that with more time and without European colonialization and imports, the semi-cultivation of edible insects (or even domestication) would be more widespread and involve more species. In 25­50 percent of Native American tribes, for example, there existed a long history of insect eating; yet because Western cultures lacked strong cultural experience with the practice and considered it primitive, they discouraged and suppressed it among Native American tribes when these two cultural groups began to interact in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Western cultures inflicted similar damage on other indigenous groups, including many in sub-Saharan Africa, with the goal of modernizing or westernizing them. This cultural suppression was still prevalant at the end of the twentieth century. As a result, entomophagy has almost disappeared from Canada and the United States and is showing signs of abating in West Africa. In the village of Sanambele they can be seen harvesting the insects in cotton fields. Since 2010, however, cotton has been grown as a cash crop closer to villages to maintain a high cotton yield in the very fields where children harvest grasshoppers.

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This is particularly relevant to examining who is being left behind and why and who is likely to be left behind as a result of ongoing trends treatment 1st degree burn buy generic keppra 250 mg on line. Groups that suffer absolute and relative deprivations in outcomes are often also deprived in voice medications like lyrica order keppra 250 mg amex, participation and process freedoms. Advances in technology, government regimes, economic structures and legal frameworks may affect freedom of agency. This supports the notion that the two measures, if not perfectly correlated, are complementary. In other words, societies may achieve high average freedom of well-being but not freedom of agency. If human development is to reach everyone in its various aspects, freedom of agency must be enhanced. An assessment that combines well-being with agency and participation at the political level may be a more complete assessment of human development. Each indicator is based on information from several data sources, ranging from household and firm surveys to the subjective assessments of multilateral organizations, nongovernmental organizations and providers of commercial business information. The voice and accountability indicator aggregates data from surveys to capture perceptions of "the extent to Notes 1. Estimates are available for 214 countries and territories from 1996 to 2015 in units of a standard normal distribution ranging from approximately ­2. Updated annually, the indicator was first used by the Human Development Report Office in the 2002 Human Development Report. The gender-based differences in well-being outcomes tend to be more pronounced in the education and health outcomes. They are also measured more clearly, are better understood and reflect more robust data. Yet all regions have made progress in closing the gap in representation in parliament between women and men. Latin America and the Caribbean has one of the strongest performances, while East Asia and the Pacific has made little progress. Other measures of well-being Various measures of human well-being have been proposed and constructed over the years. In the context of human development reaching everyone, this section examines whether some of these measures can provide an assessment framework for capturing universal well-being. Social progress index the social progress index ranks countries by social progress-how societies improve in social, political and economic structures so that everyone benefits. The index measures the extent to which countries provide for the social and environmental needs of their citizens. Fiftythree indicators on basic human needs, the foundations of well-being and opportunity to progress show the relative performance of nations. All regions have made progress in closing the gap in representation in parliament between women and men Chapter 3 Reaching everyone - analytical and assessment issues 99 World happiness index the world happiness index annually surveys numerous people in various countries around the world to identify the country with the happiest population. It asks respondents to think of a ladder on which their best possible life would be step 10, while their worst possible life would be step 0. Respondents are then asked to rate their lives at the present moment as a step on the ladder. The researchers identify the result as the perception respondents have of their own happiness. It involves citizens in constructing the index, so people have a say in its value. Various measures of human well-being have been proposed and constructed over the years Subjective measures of well-being Some countries support subjective measures of well-being or happiness. Many people, including young people, are thinking of a long-term vision of the future in terms of achieving a life that can be graded "good" (box 3. Better life index the better life index is a composite index computed for the 35 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries plus Brazil, the Russian Federation and South Africa. It measures well-being according to 11 themes in living conditions (housing, income and jobs) and quality of life (community, education, environment, civic engagement, health, life satisfaction, safety and work­life balance). Ten young people from the Liemers region developed the first version of the Liemers List: a long-term vision of the future. During a series of international events, including the 2012 European conference with Kofi Annan, the Liemers List was developed further.

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