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By: I. Ramon, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Co-Director, Southern California College of Osteopathic Medicine

Activity 2: Listening to the Radio cholesterol test black coffee generic 160 mg fenofibrate, to identify a local radio program that offers a variety of perspectives for listening during the lesson or for recording prior to the lesson cholesterol ratio the lower the better cheap 160 mg fenofibrate. Activity 3: Review the belief statements and add culturally appropriate statements to the list. Activity 4: Staying Objective, and add statements to the list based on local beliefs and the planned Field Activity. Copies of handouts, 1 set per students Flipchart and markers A radio or tape player and audiotape of a pre-recorded radio show. Explain that the next 3 lessons will help them hone their inter-personal and communication skills to improve the outcome of their investigations- that is, help people act in healthier ways to slow or stop outbreaks. Briefly discuss the role of communications in the daily work of field epidemiologists. Lead the discussion with: What are some of the interpersonal skills you have used or practiced for outbreak investigations? Do you prepare differently if you are interviewing health workers or community leaders? What are some of the differences you have noted in conducting different kinds of interviews? What are some of the interesting results you have found during interviews or talking with people about outbreaks? Ask a few students to share how they have disseminated recommendations in the past. What are some things that people need to better understand recommendations in order to do them? Ask students what audiences, that is, different groups of people, they will communicate with during their work. Summarize the discussion using a graphic such as the one below: the 3 lessons that we are about to embark on will give you each a chance to practice the communication skills you need for each phase of your job. In Lesson 2, you will practice how to create talking points from your investigation recommendations, and finally in Lesson 3, you will practice talking with reports to be sure your recommendations get to who they are designed for. Explain that all the concepts from the lessons are summarized for the students to keep. If you have students in your class who may be in positions in which they will need to communicate frequently in front of communities, organize an initial "ambush" interview for them. This activity will put them in a position of having to answer questions unprepared, and give them additional awareness of the importance of practice and preparedness. Someone acting as a concerned community leader can either stop students on the way into the class room or building, or during a break outside the class room. For example, write questions related to a recent health incident in the community or in the country. Or prepare questions around a recent outbreak in another country and probe whether it can become a risk locally. Consider including some possible communication challenges, such as "speaking off the record" or asking questions in a leading negative way. Video from this activity can be used again in Lesson 3 to track student improvements. Explain the purpose of the lesson: students will practice the communication and inter-personal skills needed to conduct an effective investigation. Briefly review field visit activity to ensure students understand that part of the lesson will be outside the classroom. Review the link between the success of inter-personal skills and informing recommendations and resulting public health messages. While people may be willing to talk with epidemiologists during in a crisis or other emergency, they may be reluctant to express concerns or offer their honest views on a health problem. By practicing inter-personal communication skills, field epidemiologists can make people feel more comfortable speaking about a health situation, and can more effectively gather valuable information during an investigation. One way you can make people feel comfortable and open to sharing information is by asking good questions.

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Many persons with memory problems can function successfully in a structured cholesterol values guidelines order online fenofibrate, routine environment does cholesterol medication thin your blood purchase fenofibrate paypal. Residents may appear to be cognitively impaired because of communication challenges or lack of interaction but may be cognitively intact. When cognitive impairment is incorrectly diagnosed or missed, appropriate communication, worthwhile activities, and therapies may not be offered. By identifying specific aspects of cognitive impairment, nursing interventions can be directed toward facilitating greater function. Probing beyond first, perhaps mistaken, impressions is critical to accurate assessment and appropriate care planning. An observed "memory problem" should be taken into consideration in Planning for Care. Observe how often the resident has to be re-oriented to an activity or instructions. Code 1, memory problem: if the most representative level of function shows the absence of recall after 5 minutes. A resident has just returned from the activities room where she and other residents were playing bingo. Rationale: the resident could not recall an event that took place within the past 5 minutes. An observed "long-term memory problem" should be taken into consideration in Planning for Care. For residents with limited communication skills, in order to determine the most representative level of function, ask direct care staff across all shifts and family or significant other about recall ability. Coding Instructions For each item that the resident recalls, check the corresponding answer box. Check C0900B, location of own room: if resident is able to locate and recognize own room. It is not necessary for the resident to know the room number, but he or she should be able to find the way to the room. Check C0900C, staff names and faces: if resident is able to distinguish staff members from family members, strangers, visitors, and other residents. To check this item, it is not necessary that the resident be able to state the name of the nursing home, but he or she should be able to refer to the nursing home by a term such as a "home for older people," a "hospital for the elderly," "a place where people who need extra help live," etc. Observations should be made by staff across all shifts and departments and others with close contact with the resident. Focus on whether or not the resident is actively making these decisions and not whether staff believes the resident might be capable of doing so. Where a staff member takes decision-making responsibility away from the resident regarding tasks of everyday living, or the resident does not participate in decision making, whatever his or her level of capability may be, the resident should be coded as impaired performance in decision making. Code 1, modified independence: if the resident organized daily routine and made safe decisions in familiar situations, but experienced some difficulty in decision making when faced with new tasks or situations. Rationale: In both examples, the residents are primarily non-verbal and do not make their needs known, but they do give basic verbal or non-verbal responses to simple gestures or questions regarding care routines. More information about how the residents function in the environment is needed to definitively answer the questions. If such decisions are more frequent or involved more activities, the resident may be only moderately impaired or better. A resident makes her own decisions throughout the day and is consistent and reasonable in her decision-making except that she constantly walks away from the walker she has been using for nearly 2 years. Other decisions she made throughout the look-back period were consistent and reasonable. A resident routinely participates in coffee hour on Wednesday mornings, and often does not need a reminder. Due to renovations, however, the meeting place was moved to another location in the facility.

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