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By: F. Leif, M.A., Ph.D.

Medical Instructor, Albany Medical College


In addition to anti-parietal cell antibodies arteria descendens genus buy discount zestril 2.5mg on-line, the majority of patients also have anti-intrinsic factor antibodies blood pressure 120 0 zestril 2.5mg on-line, and it is customary to test for both of these. All of the preceding causes lead to intracellular B12 deficiency because of a failure of B12 absorption, and all are associated with decreased serum B12 levels. It is important to keep in mind, however, that in addition to these causes there are also some very rare diseases characterized by intracellular B12 deficiency or malutilization, and that in these disorders the serum B12 level will be normal, but the serum methylmalonic acid and homocysteine levels will be elevated. When B12 deficiency has been confirmed by elevated methylmalonic acid and homocysteine levels, efforts should be made to determine the cause of this deficiency. In the past, the Schilling test was utilized to determine whether or not B12 absorption could be increased by the addition of hog-derived intrinsic factor: if this test was positive, then one inferred that the deficiency was due to destruction of parietal cells, as seen in pernicious anemia. With the availability of assays for anti-parietal cell and anti-intrinsic factor antibodies, however, this test is generally no longer required. Given that pernicious anemia is the most common cause of B12 deficiency, all patients should be tested for these antibodies. Neuropathologically, demyelinization is seen within the centrum semiovale (Ferraro et al. Differential diagnosis Vitamin B12 deficiency may be almost perfectly mimicked by folic acid deficiency, and the differential rests on the results of testing for homocysteine and methylmalonic acid levels: in B12 deficiency both are elevated, whereas in folic acid deficiency the homocysteine level is elevated but the methylmalonic acid level is normal. Progressive multiple sclerosis may also mimic B12 deficiency, and the differential again rests on testing for homocysteine and methylmalonic acid levels. Treatment Traditionally, treatment involves the administration of intramuscular cyanocobalamin at a dose of 1000 g daily p 13. In those rare cases in which the underlying cause has been corrected, treatment may then cease; however, given that most of the underlying causes are not treatable, chronic treatment is typically required. After patients have been treated for 2 weeks, folic acid, at a dose of 2 mg daily, should be added; importantly, folic acid should not be administered earlier than this as it may lead to an exacerbation of symptoms. Potassium levels should be checked periodically, as hypokalemia may develop early in the course of treatment with cyanocobalamin. Although, as noted, traditional treatment involves parenteral administration of B12, recent work has indicated that oral treatment with 1 or 2 mg daily may be just as effective (Kuzminski et al. Most physicians, however, continue to use intramuscular B12, at least early on, switching to oral treatment only after patients have recovered. With B12 treatment improvement may not occur for months, and up to 18 months may be required for full improvement. If treatment is begun early, before axonal loss has occurred, recovery may be complete; however, if symptoms have been present for months prior to treatment, irreversible damage may already have occurred and the recovery will only be partial. Dietary deficiency, as may be seen in chronic alcoholics, is the most common cause of folic acid deficiency; intestinal malabsorption, for example in sprue, may also be a factor. Given the limited hepatic storage of folic acid, symptoms of deficiency may appear within a few months of poor oral intake or malabsorption. Certain medicines also reduce folate levels, including oral contraceptives, phenytoin, primidone, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, pyrimethamine, trimethoprim, pentamidine, sulfasalazine, and methotrexate. Marginal folic acid reserves may be rapidly depleted in conditions of increased metabolic demand, for example during pregnancy and lactation, and during the reticulocytosis seen with treatment of B12-induced anemia. Differential diagnosis As noted in the preceding chapter, it may not be possible clinically to differentiate folic acid deficiency from B12 deficiency, and the diagnosis here rests on homocysteine and methylmalonic acid levels: in folate deficiency only homocysteine levels are increased, whereas in B12 deficiency, both homocysteine and methylmalonic levels are elevated. Clinical features the onset of symptoms appears to be gradual over weeks or months. Another source of this vitamin is tryptophan, which is converted endogenously into niacin. In developed countries, pellagra is seen most commonly in malnourished alcoholics as the encephalopathic form; chronic pellagra, although once endemic in the American South, is now only rarely seen. Clinical features Encephalopathic pellagra presents fairly acutely, over days to a week, and, when fully developed, is characterized by p 13. The dementia may present with apathy, depression, or anxiety; however, over time typical cognitive deficits, such as decreased memory and poor concentration, eventually appear. The dementia at times may also be marked by delusions or hallucinations (Pierce 1924).

This can occur in certain inherited disorders of the enzyme blood pressure 30 over 50 generic 2.5mg zestril fast delivery, or acquired defects in its activity arterial blood pressure purchase zestril visa. However, hepatocellular damage causes deranged excretory capacity of the liver more than its conjugating capacity. Morphologically, cholestasis means accumulation of bile in liver cells and biliary passages. The defect in excretion may be within the biliary canaliculi of the hepatocyte and in the microscopic bile ducts (intrahepatic cholestasis or medical jaundice), or there may be mechanical obstruction to the extrahepatic biliary excretory apparatus (extrahepatic cholestasis or obstructive jaundice). The features of intrahepatic cholestasis include: predominant conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia due to regurgitation of conjugated bilirubin into blood, bilirubinuria, elevated levels of serum bile acids and consequent pruritus, elevated serum alkaline phosphatase, hyperlipidaemia and hypoprothrombinaemia. Liver biopsy in cases with intrahepatic cholestasis reveals milder degree of cholestasis than the extrahepatic disorders. The biliary canaliculi of the hepatocytes are dilated and contain characteristic elongated greenbrown bile plugs. The common causes are gallstones, inflammatory strictures, carcinoma head of pancreas, tumours of bile duct, sclerosing cholangitis and congenital atresia of extrahepatic ducts. The features of extrahepatic cholestasis (obstructive jaundice), like in intrahepatic cholestasis, are: predominant conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia, bilirubinuria, elevated serum bile acids causing intense pruritus, high serum alkaline phosphatase and hyperlipidaemia. However, there are certain features which help to distinguish extrahepatic from intrahepatic cholestasis. In obstructive jaundice, there is malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E and K) and steatorrhoea resulting in vitamin K deficiency. Prolonged prothrombin time in such cases shows improvement following parenteral administration of vitamin K. Liver biopsy in cases with extrahepatic cholestasis shows more marked changes of cholestasis. Since the obstruction is in the extrahepatic bile ducts, there is progressive retrograde extension of bile stasis into intrahepatic duct system. This results in dilatation of bile ducts and rupture of canaliculi with extravasation of bile producing bile lakes. It may be the result of unconjugated or conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia; the former being more common. The features common to all these conditions are presence of icterus but almost normal liver function tests and no welldefined morphologic changes except in Dubin-Johnson syndrome. The condition usually presents in the first week of birth with jaundice, bilirubinuria, pale stools and high serum alkaline phosphatase. Mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate in the portal tracts with some periportal fibrosis. Cholestasis in small proliferated ductules in the portal tract and between necrotic liver cells. Depending upon the portion of biliary system involved, biliary atresias may be extrahepatic or intrahepatic. The baby has severe pruritus, pale stools, dark urine and elevated serum transaminases. Death is usually due to intercurrent infection, liver failure, and bleeding due to vitamin K deficiency or oesophageal varices. The condition probably has its origin in viral infection acquired during intrauterine period or in the neonatal period. Cholestatic jaundice usually appears within the first few days of birth and is characterised by high serum bile acids with associated pruritus, and hypercholesterolaemia with appearance of xanthomas by first year of life. The syndrome may follow almost any known viral disease but is most common after influenza A or B and varicella. Viral infection may act singly, but more often its effect is modified by certain exogenous factors such as by administration of salicylates, aflatoxins and insecticides. Within a week after a viral illness, the child develops intractable vomiting and progressive neurological deterioration due to encephalopathy, eventually leading to stupor, coma and death.

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Nutritional excess is a problem of affluent societies resulting in obesity blood pressure ranges for elderly cheap zestril american express, atherosclerosis arterial nosebleed 5 mg zestril mastercard, heart disease and hypertension. However, problems of drug addiction, alcoholism, and smoking result in various organic diseases such as liver damage, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, peptic ulcer, hypertension, ischaemic heart disease etc. Finally, although so much is known about the etiology of diseases, there still remain many diseases for which exact cause is undetermined. For example, most common form of hypertension (90%) is idiopathic (or essential) hypertension. However, in general, irrespective of the type, following common scheme applies to most forms of cell injury by various agents: 1. Factors pertaining to etiologic agent and host (i) Type, duration and severity of injurious agent; (ii) Type, status and adaptability of target cell. Functional implications and disease outcome Eventually, cell injury affects cellular function adversely which has bearing on the body. Although underlying intracellular mechanisms and ultrastructural changes seen in reversible and irreversible cell injury by hypoxia-ischaemia (depending upon extent of hypoxia and type of cells involved) are a continuation of the process, these mechanisms are discussed separately below. The sequential biochemical and ultrastructural changes in reversible cell injury are as under. Ischaemic cell injury also causes accumulation of metabolic waste products in the cells. Intracellular lactic acidosis: Nuclear clumping Due to low oxygen supply to the cell, aerobic respiration by mitochondria fails first. This is followed by switch to anaerobic glycolytic pathway for the requirement of energy. This results in rapid depletion of glycogen and accumulation of lactic acid lowering the intracellular pH. This results in damage to membrane pumps operating for regulation of sodium-potassium and calcium. Reduced protein synthesis: Dispersed ribosomes As a result of continued hypoxia, membranes of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus swell up. Ribosomes are detached from granular (rough) endoplasmic reticulum and polysomes are degraded to monosomes, thus dispersing ribosomes in the cytoplasm and inactivating their function. Ultrastructural evidence of reversible cell membrane damage is seen in the form of loss of microvilli, intramembranous particles and focal projections of the cytoplasm (blebs). General Pathology Section I Up to this point, withdrawal of acute stress that resulted in reversible cell injury can restore the cell to normal state. Two essential phenomena always distinguish irreversible from reversible cell injury. Inability of the cell to reverse mitochondrial dysfunction on reperfusion or reoxygenation. Disturbance in cell membrane function in general, and in plasma membrane in particular. These biochemical changes have effects on the ultrastructural components of the cell. Calcium influx: Mitochondrial damage As a result of continued hypoxia, a large cytosolic influx of calcium ions occurs, especially after reperfusion of irreversibly injured cell. Activated phospholipases: Membrane damage Damage to membrane function in general, and plasma membrane in particular, is the most important event in irreversible cell injury. Increased cytosolic influx of calcium in the cell activates endogenous phospholipases. These, in turn, degrade membrane phospholipids progressively which are the main constituent of the lipid bilayer membrane. Intracellular proteases: Cytoskeletal damage the normal cytoskeleton of the cell (microfilaments, microtubules and intermediate filaments) which anchors the cell membrane is damaged due to degrada tion by activated intracellular proteases or by physical effect of cell swelling producing irreversible cell membrane injury. Irreversible damage to the nucleus can be in three forms: i) Pyknosis: Condensation and clumping ii) Karyorrhexis: Fragmentation iii) Karyolysis: Dissolution. Lysosomal hydrolytic enzymes: Lysosomal damage, cell death and phagocytosis the lysosomal membranes are damaged and result in escape of lysosomal hydrolytic enzymes. The dead cell is eventually replaced by masses of phospholipids called myelin figures which are either phagocytosed by macrophages or there may be formation of calcium soaps. Liberated enzymes leak across the abnormally permeable cell membrane into the serum, the estimation of which may be used as clinical parameters of cell death.

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