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By: K. Flint, M.A., M.D.

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W o r l d sugar production costs have decline(by about 40 percent (real terms) since 1980 sleep aid supplement buy unisom american express, as production has increased most rapidly in low-cost producers sucl as Australia insomnia line dance unisom 25 mg line, Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, South Africa, and Thailand. The combined share o f w o r l d exports o these low-cost producers has increased f r o m 24 to 52 percent since 1980. M o s t o f the Caribbean sugar industries will ultimately need t o b e closed or restructured, or they will face ongoin) losses that will increase as preferences erode. Since most o f the sugar industries o f the region are state-ownec enterprises, the Govemments must ultimately pay f o r the losses. Sugar policies also affect consumers as many o the Caribbean countries have regulated sugar prices o r imposed high tariffs that increase the cost o f sugar t o consumers. Sugar industries in a few countries in the region, such as Guyana and Belize, are expected t o survive w i t h lower preferences. And, some portion o f other sugar industries in the region could b e viable if properly n restructured t o include o n l y the best lands and factories. I Jamaica, for example, t w o private sector estates are profitable and could survive with lower preferences w h i l e much o f the state-owned industry could not survive even n o w without government subsidies and w o u l d not b e able to adjust t o lower preferences. The restructuring program provided for severance payments and retraining for workers, privatization o f cane growing, closing o f one o f the t w o factories, redevelopment o f some sugar cane lands for residential and commercial uses, the sale o f non-sugar activities, and the creation o f a n e w sugar company with reduced assets and a more limited scope o f activities. Past debts o f the sugar company were assumed by the government and w i l l b e partially offset by the sale o f assets and land o f the former company. Other countries will need t o design their o w n programs to deal with the restructuring o f their sugar industries. Main Policy Options: Consider closure or privatization (if buyers can b e found) o f government sugar industries, or, as a I. Domestic markets should b e liberalized so that consumers d o not pay high prices to support inefficient producers. This could center on producing fresh fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products for the tourist industry. This w o u l d require much less intensive farming practices and less labor than sugar, but it w o u l d still provide both environmental protection for the land and attractive vistas for tourists. In Belize, the production o f farmed shrimp has increased from 1,232 tons in 1997 to 10,118 tons in 2003, a growth o f 721 percent. A cluster o f competitive f i r m s has emerged, using widely different technologies in a sector that i s very risk-prone (because o f virus epidemics). These f i r m s have sought to improve technology through, for example, better feed formulation for the shrimp, improved pond linings, and, in one case, investing in the super-intensive system o f farming that requires very high capital investments. Other regional producers include Belize (10 percent o f exports), Dominican Republic (4. Caribbean banana exports t o the European U n i o n exhibit the highest unit costs in the world, arising f r o m lo land productivity, high labor and transportation costs. Caribbean banana yields (tonshectare) are just a fractio o f those o f Latin American producers. Costa Rica, Colombia, and Ecuador have yields o f 47, 35, and 28 t h a respectively, compared to 10, 8, and 6 for Dominica, Jamaica, and St. Moreover, labor costs in the Caribbean, estimated t account for one h a l f o f total costs in the Windward Islands, exceed those o f Latin America and Africa whil labor productivity lags far behind its competitors. Since 1993, the Caribbean has been exporting under the A C P quota (but can also export under the gener: quota), w h i l e Latin American countries export under a general quota, subject t o a tariff. In 1999, country-specific quotas for A C P countries were removed, i m p l y i n g free competition within th A C P quota. Even before the changes in 1999, on1 Belize surpassed its quota allocation (125 percent) while Grenada (17 percent), St. Sinc 1999, most Caribbean producers w i t h the exception o f Belize (8 percent increase during 1999-02 compared wii 1994-98) and the Dominican Republic (9 percent) witnessed falling production. Vincent and the Yields in Banana Production 50 Grenadines and Dominica would cease & 45 exporting at tariff levels below 150, 175 E 40 and 200, respectively. A s for the other C A R I C O M countries dependent on banana expor a diversification strategy, accompanied by actions to address resulting unemployment and social problen w o u l d b e necessary.

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Therefore insomnia zoloft temporary purchase unisom 25 mg on-line, we are identifying whether specific voucher households insomnia 4 weeks pregnant buy 25 mg unisom free shipping, not the voucher holders, are connected to incidents or arrests. This approach is complementary to our model, which detected an effect based on the movement of voucher households, but it still leaves us with some questions on the role of official and unofficial household members. We try to address the issue in the results section by looking at characteristics of arrestees and victims, particularly age, and voucher household characteristics. Acknowledgments the authors thank George Galster and Wesley Skogan for their valuable contributions to the methodology and report. At the Urban Institute, the authors are grateful for the graphic design contributed by Timothy Meko. Susan Popkin is Senior Fellow and Director of the Program on Neighborhoods and Youth at the Urban Institute. Moving to Opportunity: the Story of an American Experiment To Fight Ghetto Poverty. The Company You Keep: the Effects of Family and Neighborhood on Disadvantaged Families. Blowing It Up and Knocking It Down: the Effect of Demolishing High Concentration Public Housing on Crime. Public Housing Transformation and Crime: Making the Case for Responsible Relocation. Cityscape 35 36 Rental Assistance and Crime Alcohol, Drug, and Criminal History Restrictions in Public Housing Marah A. Schottenfeld Mathematica Policy Research Abstract Housing assistance programs are a crucial resource for poor households. Very little is known about the specific rules facing poor families who apply for or use public housing. The decision to define those with alcohol, drug, or criminal histories as categorically undeserving of housing assistance undermines other important public policy goals to treat similar populations equitably and to support ex-offenders and their families. All three programs reduce the cost of housing for participants and are governed by federal guidelines setting income eligibility and subsidy levels. These restrictions require that applicants be screened for alcohol use that interferes with the community (hereafter, "alcohol abuse"), other drug use, and past criminal activity. Applicants may be denied housing assistance if they, or anyone in their household, are found to have engaged in certain activities. In addition, households already receiving assistance may be evicted for behaviors related to alcohol abuse, drug use, and criminal activity. This set of circumstances raises three important issues that are of concern to policymakers. Despite these concerns, very little is known about the specific alcohol, drug, and criminal history restrictions by which poor families are judged when they apply for or use housing assistance. To 1 2 About 16 million families meet the eligibility requirements for housing assistance (McCarty et al. These guidelines generally require households to contribute no more than 30 percent of their income toward housing. Legislative Background Crime and drug enforcement strategies in public housing have become increasingly vigorous during the past several decades. Housing assistance programs are required to deny applicants who (1) have been evicted from public housing within the past 3 years for drug-related reasons, (2) are on the lifetime sex offender registry in any state, (3) have been convicted of manufacturing methamphetamines on public housing property, (4) are using illegal drugs currently, or (5) are abusing alcohol in a manner that interferes with the public housing community. Previous Research Systematic data on alcohol, drug, and criminal history restrictions in the housing assistance programs are sparse. These bans consider alcohol, drug, and criminal behaviors outside federal requirements when screening applicants. These researchers found that, for those who have been convicted of a drug felony, bans on access to housing assistance often surpass the 3-year ban required in the federal mandates. Their analysis suggests that at least 12 states have adopted longer bans, which vary in length depending on the type of conviction. The second relevant report, 7 Each indicator is assigned a weight between 1 and 3 relative to its importance in the Public Housing Management Assistance Program scoring. In this section, we provide detail on our data collection strategy, search methods, textual analysis, and categorization strategy. The 10 states with missing data are those from whom we could not access information either on line or via phone. The reviewers also coded any additional references to guidelines regarding the exclusion of applicants.

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This choice will decrease the transportation of those households and time spent away from the house sleep aid amazon buy genuine unisom online, thus decreasing the opportunities to become motivated offenders or suitable targets throughout daily sleep aid lavender cheap unisom 25mg on line, routine activities. Relocatees will also be more likely to choose the neighborhoods and housing that provide the greatest security. When left to their own devices, relocatees could more commonly choose the first or cheapest housing they find, which could have less security, be closer to or on the major roads in the neighborhood, be first-floor apartments, and so on-all characteristics that create a lack of security about the property and increase the chances of criminal opportunities. Offering services that educate relocatees on all their housing options will increase the chances that relocated households choose the housing that is in an optimal area and provides optimal security for their household. Further, as Cityscape 27 Hayes, MacDonald, Popkin, Hendey, and Stolte the relocatees are more satisfied with their housing and neighborhoods, they are less likely to move in the future, stabilizing the social network and guardianship of the relocatees and decreasing the negative consequences of moves on juveniles. Disseminating the availability of all housing options to households displaced from public housing will also naturally disperse the relocatees throughout the city. Relocatees aware of all options are more likely to make decisions that are best for themselves and their families. Because not all locations, communities, houses, and so on are ideal for all relocatees, the relocatees will naturally choose housing options dispersed throughout the city. The distribution of the relocatees will decrease the number of relocated households entering each receiving community so that the receiving communities are not as aware of the influx of relocatees into their neighborhood and do not have an increased fear of perceived increases in criminal events. The indistinctness of these relocatees will minimize changes in the routine activities of receiving communities, thus minimizing changes in criminal opportunities and the likelihood of the relocatees becoming suitable targets relative to the whole community. Record-Matching Procedures Detailed Procedures Most of the crime and voucher data do not contain apartment numbers, and most voucher holders, by far, live in multifamily buildings. Although the voucher data provide full names and ages, to the extent that people may stay at a voucher household but not be reported in the voucher data, we would not be able to connect the crime with the correct household. We created decision rules for connecting households, which we organized into three groups-exact matches, probable matches, and nonmatches. For all addresses where we matched crimes on street address alone (before incorporating unit number information), we applied the following rules. Postal Service postal drops as of 2012, purchased from MelissaData, and is thus subject to some error (crimes from 2008 with addresses from 2012). As should be understood from the preceding description, the probable match group is an estimate of the match rate for a tract. For all those cases for which we did not have enough information for an exact match in our pool of potential matches, we constructed the estimate by assessing the probability of a match, not by defining each case in this group as a match or nonmatch. In all tracts, for all types of crime, some number of arrests and incidents cannot be linked with certainty to voucher households. When comparing the rate at which voucher holder households are associated with crimes, either incidents or arrests, with the rate for all households in the tract, we can base our interpretation on several scenarios. In this case, we can report that voucher holders are definitely more likely to be victims or alleged perpetrators. In this case, we know that that the arrest or incident rate is lower for voucher holders than the general population. In this case, we will report that voucher households are probably, but not definitely, more likely to be connected to arrests or incidents than the general population. Whereas the "most likely a match" rate is usually not much higher than the definite match rate, the rate for all potential matches is often much higher. We can report that the arrest or victimization rate is probably lower for voucher holders than the general population. Cityscape 29 Hayes, MacDonald, Popkin, Hendey, and Stolte Strengths of Our Approach We are able to analyze the associations with crime both for the group for which we are certain of the match and for the larger group for which the association is probable. Because we have followed conservative rules for this estimate, we are confident that the probable match estimate is a reasonable representation of the actual association. We are examining neighborhoods with relatively high levels of relocated households, which reduces the risk of spurious or coincidental associations. When possible, we look at data in the aggregate across neighborhoods and broken out by neighborhood, type of crime, and household characteristics.

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The same cluster of behavioral symptoms that are reported following lower doses (anxiety insomnia 90s purchase unisom no prescription, psychomotor depression insomnia upset stomach order unisom 25mg line, intellectual impairment, and sleep disturbances) dominate the clinical picture in the immediate period following resolution of the acute toxic signs of intoxication and then slowly fade with time, sometimes taking months to fully resolve. Functional behavioral tests of other rhesus monkeys exposed to sarin under identical conditions revealed no deficits in performance of a previously learned delayed response test 24 h after the exposure (Lattal et al. Within the exposed group there was a maximally exposed subgroup that had experienced three or more such exposures. Several studies of the long-term effects of the sarin-exposure victims from Japan have been published. All but three of these victims had plasma ChE values below normal values on the day of exposure. In contrast, the P100 latency and magnitude is directly linked to the physical characteristics of the stimulus. Female-exposed cases were reported to have significantly greater indexes of postural sway. Some of the Tokyo subway victims have been studied as far out as 7 years after the exposure. The earlier noted changes in postural sway failed to achieve conventional statistical levels of significance in these later studies. There were persistent significant, dose-dependent, changes in psychomotor function (reduced tapping frequency, dominant hand), and a memory test. At 1 year following the exposure they report that 20 victims still felt some symptoms (fatigue, asthenopia, blurred vision, asthenia, shoulder stiffness, and husky voice), and that they had lower erythrocyte ChE activity than did those who did not have symptoms and had all lived close to the sarin Health Effects of Low-Level Exposure to Nerve Agents 77 release site. There have been a number of reports that have dealt specifically with neurological and psychological changes that appear to be specifically attributed to that condition. Twenty-eight percent of the victims required hospitalization that ranged from a few to 120 days. From 1984 to 1987 there were numerous instances of Iranian troops suffering exposure to supralethal doses of tabun or sarin and surviving due to prompt medical intervention. Experiences from this war in treating nerve agent casualties were described by Dr. Syed Foroutan who published his reminiscences of nerve agent and sulfur mustard casualty care in a series of articles in the Farsi-language Kowsar Medical Journal in the late 1990s. These treatment protocols and general experiences have been summarized in an English-language review paper (Newmark, 2004). It is surprising that there has been no published follow-up medical studies 78 Chemical Warfare Agents: Chemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutics of any long-term effects in the many thousand of nerve agent casualties that survived, although there have been a number of studies published on long-term persistent adverse health effects of victims of sulfur mustard exposure from that conflict (Balali-Mood and Hefazi, 2006; Hashemian et al. There were, however, significant differences between the two groups in their performance on a number of neuropsychological tests, as well as self- and family-assessment of functioning ratings. They found that when tested 2 years after exposure, poisoned workers self-reported significantly higher numbers of neuropsychological difficulties and had significantly lower test scores than controls on tests of verbal attention, visual memory, and visuomotor and motor functions, as well as tests of visuomotor sequencing and problem solving. However, as with other studies, nerve conduction tests and neurological examinations were negative. The subjects (81 exposed, 130 controls) were tested on average after 27 months exposure and assessed on measures of psychomotor and visuomotor performance and neuropsychiatric symptoms. The exposed group showed a modest yet significant decreased performance on a visuomotor (digit symbol substitution) test and an increase in neuropsychiatric symptoms. Fifty-three poisoned individuals and 28 controls were given a standardized neurobehavioral test battery at the time of hospital discharge, 7 weeks later and 2 years later. The authors reported decreased visuomotor performance (digit symbol substitution) and verbal memory at the time of discharge, whereas only visuomotor performance was decreased at the 7 week test. No effects were detected at the 2 year testing point, although the exposed subjects reported significantly greater neuropsychiatric symptoms at that time. Studies in animals of long-term effects of acute, nonlethal exposures to nerve agent are numerous in the literature since 1980. Neurological, behavioral, and cardiac deficits are predictable long-term effects following exposure to such doses.

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