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By: S. Kaelin, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

Program Director, Homer G. Phillips College of Osteopathic Medicine

Challenges associated with online health information seeking among older adults Ronald W blood sugar goes up overnight buy forxiga 10mg cheap. The participants symptoms of diabetes type 2 yahoo cheap forxiga 5 mg on line, who had prior computer experience, were also tasked with rating the usability of the Medicare. Participants performed best in making an enrollment decision, but even in this case only 57. In addition, over half of participants found it difficult to navigate the Medicare. As shown by this study, seeking online health information is not always an easy endeavor, especially for older adults. While there now exist numerous devices and applications which fall under the purview of e-health, such as wearable technologies to track vital signs or mobile phone apps to manage health lifestyles, one of the most common types of e-health is that of online health information seeking. This chapter specifically discusses the challenges older adults face when attempting to search for health information online. Specifically, we discuss the unique characteristics and risk factors relevant to older adults, which may increase the probability of unsuccessful information searches, or contribute to a decreased ability among older adults in being able to successfully utilize the information found. These challenges include those associated with physical health limitations, cognitive limitations, issues with literacy (including health literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy), and negative attitudes toward technology. In addition, by identifying the challenges older adults face in online health information seeking, technology training interventionists may better tailor their training protocols to the specific needs. Lack of Internet use and broadband access is especially pronounced among those in the older cohorts. Older adults who report using the Internet have been shown to experience less loneliness Challenges associated with online health information seeking among older adults 33. The disparities associated with Internet use are commonly referred to as the digital divide and manifest in two broad "levels": the first-level digital divide (which primarily includes issues of access), and the second-level digital divide (which primarily includes issues of knowledge and skill). In addition, because these technologies are constantly upgrading and updating, it can be difficult for older learners and users to "keep up," as they may constantly have to learn new online skills. With regards to e-health, Pew reports that looking for health information ranks as the third-most popular activity to do online among older adults aged 651, behind only email use and searching for general information (Zickuhr, 2010). While the Internet is not typically perceived as the most referenced or most trustworthy sources of health information among older adults, among those who are online the Internet is ranked high as a preferred source of health information (behind only healthcare providers and pharmacists), and it is common for older Internet users to supplement the information they receive from other sources with information found on the Internet (Medlock et al. While individual strategies for online information seeking can be more detailed (Thatcher, 2008), in general the literature on the subject identifies two primary and broad strategies employed by web users (Marchionini, 1997): analytic strategies (wherein users extract keywords from a given problem scenario and use these terms to search for information through the use of a search engine) and browsing strategies (wherein users explore websites or categories within a specific website by following links and tabs that may yield appropriate information). Drabenstott (2001) elaborates on the bottomup strategy by proposing 6 keyword formulation and utilization profiles: 1. Kitchen sink-the user enters numerous keywords into a search bar, throwing everything in "but the kitchen sink. Big bite-the user enters additional keywords to the original search term to narrow down the results of the search query. Citation pearl growing-the user recycles previously successful keywords in a new search. Help from your friends-the user utilizes subject directories to aid in the search. Interestingly, while there tends to be significant differences between younger adults and older adults with regards to search strategies employed, the time it takes to conduct a search, and the "amount". Older adults may be more likely to use a top-down strategy, exhibit longer search times, and exhibit lower "amounts" of search, but may still be able to score relatively similarly to younger groups. The key phrase here is all else equal-assuming similar scores on Internet experience, cognitive abilities, etc. However, there are a number of barriers and challenges unique to older populations that tip the scale in a way that can prevent successful health searches, including physical barriers, cognitive limitations, literacy levels, and attitudes toward technology. It is an unfortunate conundrum, as those who experience physical health issues may be the most in need of health information but are also less likely to be able to get online to retrieve the information they need, as their physical health issues may prevent them from doing so. Common visual changes that occur as an individual ages include (but are not limited to): a decline in visual acuity. If the font size of a health- or healthcare-related website it small, or if the font style is particularly difficult to read, older adults with visual impairments may not be able to locate or read the information provided on the site. If there is not enough contrast between colors on the website, older adults with visual impairments may not be able to differentiate between the text and background, or between different sections of the site. Even something as innocuous as a mouse cursor can pose an issue for an individual with vision issues-if an older adult is using a laptop or desktop computer to navigate the Internet and the mouse cursor is too small to see clearly, the user may not be able to click on the necessary tabs and links or may not be able to navigate the cursor to a search bar.

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This reflects the African concept of Ubuntu diabetes definition canadian safe forxiga 10 mg, which means I am because of who we all are diabetes mellitus video free download purchase forxiga 5mg mastercard. Because the extreme poor tend to have more children and a shorter life expectancy, most orphans are born into extreme poverty. Their communities, including the grandmothers who often care for them, live such tenuous lives that fluctuations in food prices can be devastating. Food insecurity is inextricably linked to another source of impoverishment in Africa: disease. Those who are malnourished are less able to fight off even easily treatable diseases. But perhaps more serious still, children who are malnourished never reach their full potential. Without a transformation of agriculture in Africa, how will future generations ever raise themselves out of poverty? Montgomery examines the histories of England, ancient Greece, pre-colonial Ethiopia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, continental Europe, Communist Russia, the pre-Civil War American South, Colonial New England, and China. He shows how, time and time again, agricultural practices driven by ignorance or short-term profit have led to long-term soil erosion and depletion. These soil conditions, in turn, have resulted in poverty, emigration, civil unrest, and eventually war. A relatively recent example of soil abuse cited by Montgomery is that of the pioneers who settled in the southeastern United States to cultivate hugely profitable tobacco crops. These mono-crops were capable of completely stripping the soil of nutrients in five years, driving the farmers to continue clearing land westward. Topsoil is very fragile, and when the cover of vegetation is removed, the soil erodes 100 to 1,000 times faster. On top of that, the microorganisms we need are being killed by chemical fertilizers. There should be more microorganisms in one pound of soil than there are people on earth. However, in the last 100 years, chemical fertilizers have destroyed a great number of these microorganisms and worms. Today soil used in industrial farming is stripped, and mono crops such as wheat, barley, corn and rice only encourage harmful bacteria and insects. The introduction of cheap Western chemical fertilizers 50 years ago gave rise to an artificial spike in food production that cannot be maintained. Fertilizer for as little as 10 dollars a bag created the so-called Green Revolution, which tripled food outputs in a dangerously unsustainable way. People have forgotten how to produce crops without these expensive inputs, and often the poorest farmers leave the land for the urban slums, exposing swathes of uncultivated land to wind erosion. In Africa, the deserts are growing at a rate of one to three percent a year because of our modern farming methods and wholesale deforestation. What all this points to is the need for a sustainable approach to farming, especially for less developed countries. In any world economic downturn, those who are hurt the most are often the ones you never hear from. They are the ones who get the full crack of the whip, so to speak, as they are at the end of the food supply chain. The last significant worldwide economic downturn produced a particularly loud crack as it was also a time of greatly increased oil prices. This demonstrated all too clearly that modern agriculture as we know it will not work without cheap energy. Commodity grain prices doubled and tripled in speculation, while the extreme poor still had the same few cents a day to spend. Their farms were failing because of escalating fertilizer prices, and they were only able to buy half as much food to eat as they had the previous year. Organizations and governments have sent aid streaming into the poorest nations over the last 50 years.

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