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By: N. Campa, M.A., Ph.D.

Co-Director, Baylor College of Medicine

Unsurprisingly allergy kittens symptoms cheap 18 gm nasonex nasal spray with mastercard, the rise in migration across the Mediterranean allergy shots rheumatoid arthritis discount nasonex nasal spray 18 gm amex, often in heavily overcrowded small boats or dinghies, has coincided with a sharp increase in the loss of life. On 23 April 2015, an emergency meeting of the European Council was held in Brussels. According to Federica Mogherini, the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy: the targets of this operation are not the migrants, the targets are human smugglers and traffickers, those who are making money on their lives and too often on their deaths. It stated: Efforts to deter smuggling will be in vain unless measures are adopted to address overly restrictive migration policies in Europe, as well as the push factors of conflict, human rights violations and economic deprivation in many of the countries of origin and transit. The international community has a shared responsibility to ensure the protection of migrants and refugees who are making the journey across the Mediterranean Sea. The scale, complexity and sophistication of the response should be in line with the scale and complexity of the problem. We need a truly comprehensive response that will serve as a testimony to those lost at sea and those who have survived to recount the experience. It is partly due to an increase in the numbers and visibility of migrants in recent years. Austerity policies enacted since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, have fed feelings of economic and social insecurity. However, it is impossible to ignore the role of the mass media in influencing public and elite political attitudes towards asylum and migration. They provide the information which citizens use to make sense of the world and their place within it. As we will see in the next chapter, research in many countries has found that refugees and migrants have tended to be framed negatively as a problem, rather than a benefit to host societies. However it also true that, on occasion, media can have positive impacts on public attitudes and policy. The first sample examines a broad cross section of reporting across 2014 and early 2015. The central focus of our analysis was seven key questions about reporting: Who are the key sources in coverage? This report thus captures the range of actors, themes, explanations and arguments that appear in each newspaper. However the presence of arguments or explanations does not mean they are necessarily endorsed by the newspaper which featured them, since they may have come from a source who is quoted in the article. The report therefore goes beyond identifying the editorial line of newspapers by exploring the range of perspectives on the crisis that circulate in different publications. This has allowed us to map both the key actors, themes, explanations and arguments that appear in coverage, and those that are absent. After presenting our headline empirical findings and conclusions, chapter 1 will examine the research literature on the reporting of asylum and immigration. Particular attention will be paid to studies which have examined reporting in the five countries in this report. Chapters 3 to 7 present the findings for the first sample which consist of a broad overview of coverage for each of countries in our sample. Chapters 8 to 12 present the country by country data for the case study week in April 2015. Finally, in chapter 13 we draw some conclusions about reporting patterns across the European Union. Domestic politicians ­ which research has consistently found as being the key most accessed source category in news accounts ­ were most prominent in Sweden (39. The proportion of migrant voices was higher than in previous research, and fairly static across the sample, ranging from 9. Patterns of political sourcing indicated that governing parties or coalitions tended to dominate political sourcing, with in most cases the key challenger or challengers coming from the anti-immigration right. In Spain, where political sourcing was unusually low, the People Party was dominant with 78.

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The potential for scale up and the long-term sustainability of these results in the context of weak systems require further study allergy medicine joint pain discount 18gm nasonex nasal spray mastercard. Use of Checklists Surgical safety checklists have been promoted as a means of reducing human errors in health care by ensuring a systematic approach to each patient and procedure allergy shots itching discount nasonex nasal spray master card. A pilot study of a 29-point checklist consisting of items such as hand hygiene, administration of uterotonics, and management of complications was piloted at a large hospital in Karnataka, India. The researchers find that the proportion of indicated practices increased from 10 of 29 to an average of 25 (Spector and others 2012). This approach has to be tested to ensure the result can be obtained with a proper counterfactual and, if so, if it can be sustained. In Nicaragua, learning approaches used through quality improvement collaboration in a hospital setting reduced the length of stay for children with pneumonia and diarrhea and was also cost saving. In Niger, a similar quality improvement collaborative for obstetric and newborn care was both less costly and cost-effective. Task-shifting through use of community health workers and lower-level health care providers can be both cost saving and cost-effective (Babigumira and others 2009; Grimes and others 2014; Kruk, Pereira, and others 2007). It is challenging to measure costs and cost-effectiveness associated with programs and policies designed to increase uptake, access, and quality. Part of the challenge lies in the absence of standard metrics for measuring quality; moreover, the health impacts of policies and programs established and implemented at multiple levels of health systems are harder to evaluate. Both expansion of access and improvements to quality are crucial elements of good care. Despite growing awareness of serious quality deficits, research on interventions to improve quality has not produced clear guidance on what works and which models improve quality at scale. This void in guidance is due in part to the lack of coherent conceptual frameworks that would direct the testing of promising quality interventions in different settings. The situation is better for interventions aimed at increasing coverage of services where good evidence exists for demand-side interventions to motivate service uptake. However, as the epidemiology of maternal and child death shifts to more complex causes, insufficient quality of care will be an increasing barrier to reducing mortality and morbidity and to achieving global health goals. Indeed, expanding coverage will yield diminishing returns unless quality deficits are also tackled. A Study of the Relative Impacts of Accreditation and Insurance Payments on Quality of Care in the Philippines. On the benefits side, the outcome of the continuum of care is evidenced in the many dimensions of the health benefits arising from an integrated care program. These benefits are not only lives saved; they also include the improved health and welfare of mothers and children, and the benefits that arise from expanding the ability of women to plan their pregnancies. These diverse health gains will have a wide range of economic and social benefits. The overall analysis compares costs and benefits, taking into consideration their varying patterns over time, to generate benefit-cost ratios and rates of return on investment. The purpose is twofold: · To demonstrate that very high returns can be achieved by strengthening investments in the delivery of a suite of high-impact interventions · To underscore the importance of an accurate assessment of those returns, including the full range of costs involved in delivering integrated care across the continuum and the full range of benefits that flow from the interventions. Corresponding author: Karin Stenberg, Department of Health Systems Governance and Financing, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, stenbergk@who. The global mortality rate for children under age five years decreased 32 percent, from 63 per 1,000 live births in 2005 to 42. The remaining challenges in reducing maternal and child mortality are, to a large extent, the effects of uneven attention to the full continuum of care. Similarly, adolescence remains a neglected period, as highlighted by a series in the Lancet on adolescent health (Cappa and others 2012). The continuum of care, including referral chain, is often less than fully functional in these countries (Bossyns and Van Lerberghe 2004; Font and others 2002). Additional investments are required to sustain gains achieved and to accelerate efforts to address the remaining gaps. Improved and Equitable Access Well-targeted investments along the continuum of care can respond to a fundamental human right: the right to health. For example, the capacity to provide 24-hour emergency obstetric care requires that health system components, such as qualified health workers, medications, facilities, and a functioning referral system, be in place across geographic areas. For example, investments in nutrition have long-lasting effects beyond the immediate improvement in nutritional status, such as improvements in cognitive development, school performance, and future earnings (Ruger and others 2012). A study of diarrhea and pneumonia interventions finds that 15 highly cost-effective interventions exist that, if implemented at scale, would prevent 95 percent of deaths from diarrhea and 67 percent of deaths from pneumonia in children under age five years by 2025 (Bhutta and others 2013).

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