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By: K. Kayor, M.A.S., M.D.

Clinical Director, University of Colorado School of Medicine

Included also in this category are aphasias due to lesions that separate the more strictly receptive parts of the language mechanism itself from the purely motor ones (conduction aphasia- see below) and to lesions that isolate the perisylvian language areas virus 7 life processes 100mg minomycin overnight delivery, separating them from the other parts of the cerebral cortex (transcortical aphasias) virus 404 error buy minomycin 50 mg fast delivery. The anatomic basis for most of these so-called disconnection syndromes is poorly defined. The theoretical concept, however, is an interesting one and emphasizes the importance of afferent, intercortical, and efferent connections of the language mechanisms. The weakness of the concept is that it may lead to premature acceptance of anatomic and physiologic mechanisms that are overly simplistic. The locale of the lesion that causes loss of a language function does not localize the language function itself, a warning enunciated long ago by Hughlings Jackson. Nevertheless, the language disorders described below occur with sufficient regularity and clinical uniformity to be as useful as the more classic and common types of aphasia in revealing the complexity of language functions. Conduction Aphasia As indicated earlier, Wernicke theorized that certain clinical symptoms would follow a lesion that effectively separated the auditory and motor language areas without directly damaging either of them. Since then, a number of wellstudied cases have been described that conform to his proposed model of Leitungsaphasie (conduction aphasia), which is the name he gave it. The characteristic feature is one of severely impaired repetition; the defect applies to both single words and nonwords. There is a similar fluency and paraphasia in self-initiated speech, in repeating what is heard, and in reading aloud; writing is invariably impaired. The lesion in the few autopsied cases has been located in the cortex and subcortical white matter in the upper bank of the left sylvian fissure, usually involving the supramarginal gyrus and occasionally the most posterior part of the superior temporal region. However, in most of the reported cases, including those described by the Damasios, the left auditory complex, insula, and supramarginal gyrus were also involved. In any case, the usual cause of conduction aphasia is an embolic occlusion of the ascending parietal or posterior temporal branch of the middle cerebral artery, but other forms of vascular disease, neoplasm, or trauma in this region may produce the same syndrome. The concept of conduction aphasia, as outlined above, remains a useful theoretic construct, although not all authors are in agreement as to its purity as an aphasic syndrome. A summary of the arguments against a subcortical disconnection and those favoring a cortical origin can be found in the report of the condition with focal seizures by Anderson and colleagues. Patients with pure word-deafness may declare that they cannot hear, but shouting does not help, sometimes to their surprise. Audiometric testing and auditory evoked potentials disclose no hearing defect, and nonverbal sounds, such as a doorbell, can be heard without difficulty. The patient is forced to depend heavily on visual cues and frequently uses them well enough to understand most of what is said. If able to describe the auditory experience, the patient says that words sound like a jumble of noises. Conceptually it has been thought of as an exclusive injury of the auditory processing system. In most recorded autopsy studies, the lesions have been bilateral, in the middle third of the superior temporal gyri, in a position to interrupt the connections between the primary auditory cortex in the transverse gyri of Heschl and the association areas of the superoposterior cortex of the temporal lobe. In a few cases unilateral lesions have been localized in this part of the dominant temporal lobe (see page 397). Requirements of small size and superficiality of the lesion in the cortex and subcortical white matter are best fulfilled by an embolic occlusion of a small branch of the lower division of the middle cerebral artery. Such a person can no longer name or point on command to words, although he is sometimes able to read letters or numbers. Understanding spoken language, repetition of what is heard, writing spontaneously and to dictation, and conversation are all intact. The ability to copy words is impaired but is better preserved than reading, and the patient may even be able to spell a word or to identify a word by having it spelled to him or by reading one letter at a time (letter-by-letter reading). In some cases, the patient manages to read single letters but not to join them together (asyllabia). The most striking feature of this syndrome is the retained capacity to write fluently, after which the patient cannot read what has been written (alexia without agraphia). Autopsies of such cases have usually demonstrated a lesion that destroys the left visual cortex and underlying white matter, particularly the geniculocalcarine tract, as well as the callosal connections of the right visual cortex with the intact language areas of the dominant hemisphere (page 409). More often the callosal pathways are interrupted in the forceps major or in the paraventricular region (Damasio and Damasio). In either event, the patient is blind in the right half of each visual field by virtue of the left occipital lesion, and visual information reaches only the right occipital lobe; however, this information cannot be transferred, via the callosal pathways, to the language area of the left hemisphere.

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Because of this relationship and the frequency with which dysphagia and aspiration complicate neurologic disease antibiotic resistance meat order generic minomycin on line, the neural mechanisms that underlie swallowing are of considerable importance to the neurologist and are described here antibiotics list purchase minomycin cheap online. The reader is also referred to other parts of this book for a discussion of derangements of swallowing consequent upon diseases of the lower cranial nerves (Chap. Anatomic and Physiologic Considerations A highly coordinated sequence of muscle contractions is required to move a bolus of food smoothly and safely through the oropharynx. This programmed activity may be elicited voluntarily or by reflex movements that are triggered by sensory impulses from the posterior pharynx. With these movements the epiglottis guides the food into the valleculae and into channels formed by the epiglottic folds and the pharyngeal walls. The airway is closed by sequential contractions of the arytenoid-epiglottic folds, and below them, the false cords, and then the true vocal cords, which seal the trachea. All of these muscular contractions are effected largely by cranial nerve X (vagus). At the same time, the upward movement of the larynx opens the cricopharyngeal sphincter. A wave of peristalsis then begins in the pharynx, pushing the bolus through the sphincter into the esophagus. The entire swallowing ensemble can be elicited by stimulation of the superior laryngeal nerve (this route is used in experimental studies. This juxtaposition ostensibly allows the refined coordination of swallowing with the cycle of breathing. Besides a programmed period of apnea, there is a slight forced exhalation after each swallow that further prevents aspiration. The studies of Jean, Kessler and others (cited by Blessing), using microinjections of excitatory neurotransmitters, have localized the swallowing center in animals more precisely to a region adjacent to the termination of the superior laryngeal nerve. Therefore it is presumed that control must be exerted through premotor neurons located in adjacent reticular brainstem regions. There have been few comparable anatomic studies of the structures responsible for swallowing in humans. Dysphagia and Aspiration Weakness or incoordination of the swallowing apparatus is manifest as dysphagia and, at times, aspiration. The patient himself is often able to discriminate one of several types of defect: (1) difficulty initiating swallowing, which leaves solids stuck in the oropharynx; (2) nasal regurgitation of liquids; (3) frequent coughing and choking immediately after swallowing and a hoarse, "wet cough" following the ingestion of fluids; or (4) some combination of these. Extrapyramidal diseases, notably Parkinson disease, reduce the frequency of swallowing and cause an incoordination of breathing and swallowing, as noted below. It is surprising how often the tongue and the muscles that cause palatal elevation appear on direct examination to act normally despite an obvious failure of coordinated swallowing. In this regard, the use of the gag reflex as a neurologic sign is quite limited, being most helpful when there is a medullary lesion or the lower cranial nerves are affected. It should also be emphasized that difficulties with swallowing may begin subtly and express themselves as weight loss or as a noticeable increase in the time required to swallow and to eat a meal. Nodding or sideways head movements to assist the propulsion of the bolus, or the need to repeatedly wash food down with water, are other clues to the presence of dysphagia. Sometimes recurrent minor pneumonias are the only manifestation of intermittent ("silent") aspiration. A defect in the initiation of swallowing is usually attributable to weakness of the tongue and may be a manifestation of myasthenia gravis, motor neuron disease, or, rarely, inflammatory disease of the muscle; it may be due to palsies of the 12th cranial nerve (metastases at the base of the skull or meningoradiculitis, carotid dissection), and to a number of other causes. In all these cases there is usually an associated dysarthria with difficulty pronouncing lingual sounds. The second type of dysphagia, associated with nasal regurgitation of liquids, indicates a failure of velopalatine closure and is characteristic of myasthenia gravis, 10th nerve palsy of any cause, or incoordination of swallowing due to bulbar or pseudobulbar palsy. A nasal pattern of speech with air escaping from the nose is a usual accompaniment. In the latter cases a decreased frequency of swallowing also causes saliva to pool in the mouth (leading to drooling) and adds to the risk of aspiration.

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Betaadrenergic blocking agents antibiotics for mrsa cheap minomycin 100mg otc, anticholinergic drugs antibiotics by mail minomycin 50 mg, and L-dopa have little therapeutic effect. Thalamic stimulation may be helpful in severe cases that are the result of multiple sclerosis lesions in the cerebellar peduncles. The mechanisms involved in the production of intention or ataxic tremor have been discussed in Chap. Geniospasm this is a strongly familial episodic tremor disorder of the chin and lower lip that begins in childhood and may worsen with age. Psychic stress and concentration are known to precipitate the movements, which are described by Danek as "trembling. The disorder must be distinguished from essential tremor, facial myokymia, and palatal tremor. The trait is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion from a locus on chromosome 9. Primary Orthostatic Tremor this is a rare tremor isolated to the legs that is remarkable by its occurrence only during quiet standing and its cessation almost immediately on walking. It is difficult to classify and more relevant to disorders of gait than it is to tremors of other types. The frequency of this tremor has been recorded as approximately 14 to 16 Hz, making it difficult to observe and more easily palpable. Nonetheless, it may produce considerable disability as the patient attempts to stabilize himself in response to the tremulousness. An important accompanying feature is the sensation of severe imbalance, which causes the patient to assume a widened stance while standing; these patients are unable to walk a straight line (tandem gait). We have observed prominent tonic contraction of the legs during standing, seemingly in an attempt to overcome imbalance (see Heilman, Thompson et al). Falls are surprisingly infrequent; therefore the condition is often attributed to hysteria. Often the first step or two when the patient begins to walk are halting, but thereafter, the gait is entirely normal. Tremulousness is not present when the patient is seated or reclining, but in the latter positions it can be evoked by strong contraction of the leg muscles against resistance. Although some authors such as Wee and colleagues have classified the disorder as a type of essential tremor, most of its characteristics suggest otherwise. The suggestion has been made by Sharott and colleagues that it represents an exaggerated physiologic tremor in response to imbalance; others have found an intrinsic rhythm at approximately 16 Hz generated by the damaged spinal cord in patients with myelopathy, suggesting a spinal origin for the tremor. Many of these cases have responded to the administration of clonazepam, gabapentin, mysoline, or sodium valproate. Dystonic Tremor Also difficult to classify but not to be overlooked are tremors that are intermixed with dystonia. They tend to be focal in the neck, which is typically rotated slightly to one side, or they may be evident in one dystonic hand. When the underlying dystonic posturing is not overt, the tremor may be ascribed to an obscure origin. Hysterical Tremor Tremor is a relatively rare but quite dramatic manifestation of hysteria, but it simulates some types of organic tremor, thereby causing difficulty in diagnosis. Hysterical tremors are usually restricted to a single limb; they are gross in nature, are less regular than the common static or action tremors, and diminish in amplitude or disappear if the patient is distracted, as, for example, when asked to make a complex movement with the opposite hand. If the affected hand and arm are restrained by the examiner, the tremor may move to a more proximal part of the limb or to another part of the body ("chasing the tremor"). Other useful features in identifying hysterical tremor are exaggeration of the tremor by loading the limb- for example, by having the patient hold a book or other heavy object, which reduces almost all other tremors- and the observation of mirror movements in the contralateral hand. Hysterical tremor persists in repose and during movement and is less subject than nonhysterical tremors to the modifying influences of posture and willed movement. Tremors of Mixed or Complex Type Not all tremors correspond exactly with those described above. There is frequently a variation in one or more particulars from the classic pattern, or one type of tremor may show a feature ordinarily considered characteristic of another.

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